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Thursday, October 17, 2024

How To Check For Bed Bugs In Hotel Rooms – Nature’s Own Pest & Lawn Services

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Hotel Bed Bugs – How To Find Bed Bugs

  • Bed bugs bites cause misery for thousands of holidaymakers
  • Lots of hotels are not using bed bugs treatment
  • Many Hotel owners don’t know how to get rid of bed bugs
  • Holidaymakers believe travel companies not taking bed bugs problems seriously


How to find bed bugs and signs of bed bugs

Tens of millions of people around the world stay in hotels, which means hotel mattresses are heavily used and suffer from wear and tear. This wear and tear can include bad smells and people pockets, dips and bumps, making for a very uncomfortable sleep. However, there is another problem with so many people using the same mattress, and that is bed bugs and bed bugs bites. That is why we have put together this article on how to find bed bugs and spot the signs of bed bugs.

A hotel should normally replace their mattresses between three to five years and have them professionally cleaned at least twice a year to get rid of bed bugs. However, it seems this is not happening and many hotels don’t know how to get rid of bed bugs or take the safety of their guests seriously.

With so many people using the same mattress, hotels can and are prone to bed bug infestations and that is why it’s important for hotel guests to understand how to check for bed bugs in hotel rooms.


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We got together with Nature’s Own Pest & Lawn Services, a leading Texas pest control service to learn how to check for bed bugs in hotel rooms. These tips will help those staying in hotel rooms to avoid the health problems that bed bugs can cause including bed bugs bites.

how to find hotel bed bugs
Ms Horgan says she found in her Butlins accommodation

Here’s how to check for bed bugs in hotel rooms.

  1. When you visit a hotel room it is important not to unpack. Put your suitcase in the bathroom in a clean environment while you inspect the bed for bed bugs and signs of bed bugs.
  2. Download a flashlight app on your phone as you will need this to help you look for hotel bed bugs.
  3. Pull the corners of the blanket and linens off the bed and look at the corners as this is where bed bugs like to hide. What you are looking for is dark brown blood spots. Bed bugs are around 4mm long.
  4. You then need to pull the blankets and linens right back to the mattress so you can see it clearly. Examine the folds and the seams for signs of bed bugs. Use a credit card or any kind of card so you can get underneath the folds of the mattress, as this is where bed bugs do like to hide.
  5. Make sure you check all four corners of the mattress and not just one corner.
  6. Check the sheets on the mattress for bed bugs. You are looking for small brown spots or dried blood, or the bed bugs themselves.


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If you see any signs of bed bugs in the hotel room then it is important you go straight to reception and make a complaint and demand to be moved to another room.

Nature’s Own Pest & Lawn Services has said that hotel guests should not be afraid of complaining and demanding to be moved to a new room. The company also stated that all hotels should have a proper procedure in place where the mattresses are properly cleaned to avoid an infestation of hotel bed bugs.


How Bed Bugs Affect Your Health

hotel bed bugs

One of the main reasons why we have put together this article on how to find bed bugs is due to the serious health problems they can cause.

You do not expect to go on holiday and stay in a hotel with bed bugs, but it does happen if they don’t change their mattresses within three to five years, and when they don’t employ a professional pest control company.


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Let’s look at the health problems that hotel bed bugs can cause. Hotel bed bugs can cause many different problems, below is just a few of them


    • Allergic Reaction:

    Hotel bed bugs can cause a serious allergic reaction when a person is bitten by them. This type of reaction is similar to a person being stung by a bee. If you suffer from an allergic reaction to bed bugs then it is important to seek medical treatment straight away. The hotel may have a doctor on call or will have details of an emergency doctor that is available.


    • Infection:

    A person who has been bitten by a hotel bed bug could result in gaining an infection. Although this is rare, it does happen. If you do receive an infection then it is important that you visit a hospital straight away to receive treatment.


    • Insomnia:

    You go to a hotel to relax, but if the hotel has bed bugs then this could result in lack of sleep. Bed bugs are not friendly, they will wait until you are asleep and then pounce on your body. The bites from the bed bugs may not be painful but they can and do cause irritation to the skin causing you to scratch. This leads to lack of sleep and waking up the next day feeling dirty and tired.

    Now you have learnt how to find bed bugs in a hotel room, it is important that you check your hotel for bed bugs before you go to sleep.

    If you have stayed in a hotel with bed bugs then it is important to seek medical treatment.

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