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Sunday, March 9, 2025

LuckyLucky Club Talk About Their Exclusive 12 Zodiacs Year of the Tiger NFT

NFTs have become big news over the past 12-months with famous people getting involved. Investors, Celebrities, and public figures have hit the headlines with their interest in NFTs, and now there is more excitement thanks to the LuckyLucky Club.

The LuckyLucky Club made a huge announcement this week, and that announcement was the launch of an exclusive 12 Zodiacs Year of the Tiger NFT. Since the news broke, news outlets have been covering the story, and we wanted to find out more.

We got together with the CEO and founder of LuckyLucky Club to learn more about the announcement, and to learn more about the company that has set pulses racing in the NFT world.


First of all, please introduce yourself.

Hi, I’m Wayne, the CEO and founder of LuckyLucky Club and Aardvark NFT. I had a career in finance, tech, then I started a digital marketing agency WWHaT Digital, which is still active. These three backgrounds really prepared me to enter the crypto industry, as it is literally a combination of the three aspects.


Can you explain what and who is LuckyLucky Club?

LuckyLucky Club is the issuer of the LuckyLucky series.

Our inspiration came when the Phanta Bear uprise made us realize that every country does not have the same advantage in this new growing digital world because of language and geo/cultural barriers. We thought that the well-known Lunar Year is a good theme to integrate different cultures in this new world.

(Note: Phanta Bear is an epic NFT collection that went to the moon, some reference here: https://markets.businessinsider.com/news/currencies/phanta-bear-nft-jay-chou-bored-ape-opensea-crypto-punk-2022-1 All of the crypto communities in the East knew about this project before it was launched and not so much in the West) The LuckyLucky Club wants to create a community that can shared these kind of intelligence.

luckylucky nft

You have announced that you have launched exclusive 12 Zodiacs Year of the Tiger NFT, what do you mean by that?

Lunar new year is the biggest holiday of Eastern culture. It’s celebrated by over 1 billion people.

The 12+1 Lunar Year Zodiacs are: 



Tiger (2022 is the year of Tiger)


Asian dragon








One mysterious 13th Zodiac! The Cat!

Everyone has a Zodiac animal sign just like it’s Western counterpart astrological zodiacs. Instead of basing on which month you’re born, it’s based on which year you were born in. For example, this year is the year of Tiger, every baby born in this Lunar Year, will have Tiger as Chinese Zodiac sign.

This is a very popular concept in the Eastern, especially Asian, Culture. In the west, people may not know what their astrological zodiac signs are, but for Asians, everyone knows what their Chinese Zodiac sign is, simply because you shared it with most of the classmates you grow up with, and elders will ask you your sign when going through rituals and traditions.

As it is the Year of Tigers, we designed this collection’s base figure to be the Tiger, and around 10% of the tigers have zodiac animal partners on its shoulder, making them rare and collectible. For example, if your zodiac animal sign is the dragon, you would want to collect the tiger with a dragon on its shoulders, meaning you’re a Dragon in the year of Tiger.

As such we also prepared a special prize for anyone that can collect nfts for all 12+1 zodiacs animal partners.


NFT has become big news over the past 12 months, why is that, and do you see their popularity growing?

Multiple reasons contribute to NFT’s growing popularity, the mainstream news reporting it day in day out, record breaking figures from a sale, digital bragging right, celebrities embracing it, institutional investors embracing it, multinational brands in including consumer brands such as Nike, Adidas, and luxury brands such as Gucci, LV, embracing it.

From my perspective, NFT may experience its ups and downs, but it will definitely continue to grow in the long run, simply because anything or industry will expand 10 folds, 100 folds when going from analogue to digital, NFT is just that, turning music, art, videos’ “right of ownership” digital. Not that music and art wasn’t digital before, it already was, but the “right of ownership”  and channels to trade and market that right has never been so digitalized.


Your announcement has mentioned that NFT holders will have the opportunity to make annual profits on the investment. So, can you explain how they can do this and what type of profits are we talking about?

There are two ways to earn a return being a LuckyLucky nft holder, one is we give out monthly givebacks to the community. LuckyLucky Club will be able to do this because one of the functions of NFT is that you can program a percentage of future transaction to go the original creator, originally this is to help artist benefit from previous works as his/her fame rises. In our case, 5% of all future transactions of LuckyLucky NFT will be given to LuckyLucky Club as commission, and instead of seeing this as an earning, we will be giving 100% of this commission to our community. Givebacks will happen in various forms, lottery, first come first serve, giveback to all, holders will have to join our discord to learn about what will happen that month.

Another form of earnings is the Lucky Money we give out to holders every Chinese New Year, it is a ritual in the East to give Lucky Money in the form of red envelope every Chinese New Year to loved ones, and we want to bring this to the NFT metaverse. The Lucky Money will be the result of investing the fund we received from minting (initial sales) the nfts.

Of course, as LuckyLucky community grows, the nfts will grow in its value, selling the ones you own will also be another way you can profit off owning one or multiple LuckyLucky Tigers.

luckylucky club

How much investment should people be looking at to get a good return?

Minting one Tiger cost 0.068 ETH and “gas fees” around 0.022, which makes the investment of one tiger to be around 0.09 ETH. ETH price fluctuates and is around $2500 at the time of interview, so around $225 for one tiger.


And over what length should people invest?

I would say you should buy at least 2 tigers, as nft price fluctuates a lot, you can sell one when it reaches 2x your cost for one and keep the other indefinitely for free and gain on the monthly and annual profits.


Stock has always been a popular and worthwhile investment, providing people with great returns, can NFT provide the same level of investment opportunities?

Yes, or in another words, nft is stocks on steroid, the fluctuation in price and speculation will only be 10x 100x higher.


Can you see NFTs becoming as good as an investment as real estate?

I think for any investors, diversity is the key to your investment portfolio, and the percentage you give to NFT, and crypto market should be the percentage of high risk, high reward investment you want in your portfolio. The design of monthly and annual returns of LuckyLucky nft is there to provide you with a cushion if overall crypto and nft market crashes, making it an asset that can generate continuous return, just like real estates.


So, what is next for LuckyLucky Club?

We have a lot planned for LuckyLucky Club, following its public sales that ends February, we will start to cultivate our community, give out monthly givebacks, and invest the fund from minting to long term investments. In addition, every year we will be launching a new series, next year is the rabbit year, and you’ll be seeing a LuckyLucky Rabbit from us! So, get your tigers now while it is still in supply!

For more information, please visit luckyluckynft.com



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