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Friday, March 7, 2025

Coleen Nolan Upset As Linda and Anne Nolan Both Fighting Cancer

Nolan sisters Linda and Anne are both tackling cancer after being diagnosed days apart


One of the best loved girl groups of all time have gone through the mill since finding fame as the Nolans. With the loss of Bernie Nolan who died in her sleep, at her home in Surrey, on 4 July 2013, aged 52, the Nolan sisters have like so many millions of other people had the fear of catching the deadly disease on their minds every day of the week.

Anne and Linda Nolan suffered from the disease in 2000 and 2006 respectively but they recovered However, Linda Nolan who said she was sexually assaulted by Rolf Harris in 1975 found out in 2017 that she had incurable secondary breast cancer on her pelvis. Now, Anne Nolan has revealed that she has also been diagnosed once again with cancer.


Read:One In Four Women Risk Skin Cancer


Linda and Anne Nolan have announced that they have both been diagnosed with cancer.

Anne Nolan revealed the devastating news to her sisters following the filming of their TV series The Nolan’s Go Cruising earlier this year.

Linda Nolan said of Anne’s news: “On May 7, our sister Maureen called me at 10am to say that Anne’s breast cancer had been confirmed. Then half an hour later my oncologist’s secretary phoned me to say, ‘We need you to have an MRI scan because we’ve seen something on your liver’.

Anne Nolan, 69, is hoping to beat the cancer once again with the help of chemo.

“The cancer hasn’t metastasised, it’s just contained in the breast. That was an amazing thing to hear really.

“I keep telling myself the chemo is horrible, but hopefully it’s doing its job. And it’s not a case of being brave. I’m not brave. I haven’t been brave at all – I’ve been crying and probably stressing my sisters and my daughters.

“So, I’m not brave. I just haven’t got any choice. Either I do it, take chemo, or face the consequences,” explained Anne.

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