When news broke out that Mrs. Brown Boys’ favourite Gary Hollywood had left the show, fans of the popular BBC 1 show were shocked. At the time the show’s creator Brenan O’Carroll kept quiet. Newspapers and media outlets including In2Town Lifestyle Magazine contacted Brendan O’Carroll for a comment, but he refused to answer.
Now, Gary Hollywood who played Dino has blown the lid off the scandal and has claimed the stories are true and he was being paid less than other Mrs. Brown Boys actors. Gary Hollywood, 41, announced at the weekend that he was suing Brendan, 65, for constructive dismissal and workplace discrimination.
With all the stories surrounding the reason why Gary Hollywood departure from Mrs. Brown Boys, fans of the show threatened to boycott the Christmas special. With the Mrs. Brown Boys Christmas special receiving just 3.8 million viewers, it is clear the fans were sending a message to Brendan O’Carroll.
With all the bad press Brendan O’Carroll received, and a tweet by our publication supporting Gary Hollywood which appeared in National newspapers, Brendan O’Carroll finally released a statement to claim that Gary left on good terms. However, sources contacted In2town Lifestyle Magazine shortly after that statement to claim the atmosphere was toxic. It was also claimed that some people who worked on the show were too afraid to speak out in case they lost their jobs.
Gary Hollywood has bravely come forward and revealed the truth. He said: “I feel I wasn’t being paid equally and I wasn’t being given an explanation for decisions.”
‘When I tried to resolve it, nothing was done. I was just disregarded. But I won’t put up with it anymore. I won’t be treated like that. This has gone too far. They shouldn’t do this to people.

The popular actor who claims he was paid less than his co-stars explained he had now logged legal action and the tribunal process has now started.
Gary Hollywood who has received support from his fans added he was shocked that Brendan recently claimed their relationship was ‘amicable’ following his departure.
He said: ‘I was absolutely gobsmacked. I would have stayed quiet about all of this. Does he expect me to crawl into a corner and shut my mouth?
The action being taken by Gary Hollywood could cost Brendan O’Carroll a lot of money, but experts have said this would be a drop in the ocean compared to what he could lose. It is claimed with fans turning their backs on Mrs. Brown Boy’s creator, he could lose tens of millions of pounds in lost stage show tickets.
Many fans of Mrs. Brown Boys have said they will boycott the stage shows. If they follow through and take the same action as they did with the Mrs. Brown Boys Christmas special, then Brendan O’Carroll could see his fortune dwindle.