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Monday, March 10, 2025

My single will not be a hit says Katie Price and we agree

Glamour model Katie Price has admitted that she does not think her new single will be a hit and we have to say, after listening to the new single titled ‘Free To Love Again’ we are glad that Katie Price has come to her senses’

Katie Price is set to release the single on July 12th, which has been described as a dance single but we prefer to describe it as a disco number that has been knocked up in a bedroom in the early nineties.

If you remember the song, D.I.S.C.O then listen to Katie Price new single then you will understand where we are coming from. We will be surprised if the single reaches the top 100 never mind the top forty and for Katie to say previously that she will give Peter Andre a run for his money, is laughable.

Katie told Alan Carr on his television show that she will not have a bright future in the music industry but she did say she loves singing.

She told Alan Carr’s Chatty Man show: “I’m not a singer. I never will be a singer, but I love singing.

“I love trying things.”


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We have to say that we agree with you Katie, after listening to your new single and listening to you sing on your reality show, we can agree you are not a singer, maybe a howler, but definitely not a singer.

Katie Price also said on the Alan Carr show: “When I look back at Eurovision I think: `What the hell was I doing?’ I also did the mushy ballads with Pete. But this is an upbeat track.

“I heard it and thought: `Why not?'”


Why not indeed Katie, but did you have to really bring out the single, most people would have just sang the song in the shower and saved all those lovely trees that have had to be knocked down to release your single, but hey, we know you are a business woman and will do almost anything to make money.

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