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Keto Diet Interview Couple Lose Weight And Become Experts

The Keto Diet is helping people to lose weight. In 2016 the World Health Organization announced that there were 2 billion adults who were overweight. 650 of those adults were considered to be obese. This shocking figure equates to 39% of men and 40% of women with 13% of the world population being obese.

The number of people who are overweight in 2019 is increasing at an uncontrollable rate. Sadly, 2.8 million people die each year due to being overweight or obese. One couple who didn’t want to die young, and who in their own words were overweight is Joseph and Latoya from Las Vegas.

Joseph and Latoya were overweight and were worried about their health. They tried lots of different diets which didn’t really work for them. However, one diet that did work for them was the Keto diet. The couple managed to lose a lot of weight and unlike other diets kept the weight off.

Thanks to the success of the Keto diet the couple are now leading a much happier and healthier lifestyle. They don’t have to worry about the health issues that come with being overweight and can look forward to the future.

They were so impressed with the Keto diet that they wanted to share their success with others. To help other people lose weight with the Keto diet that have launched their own Keto diet magazine. Their aim is not glory or profit, they simply want to help other people to lose weight.

We decided to sit down with Joseph and Latoya and learn more about the Keto diet and their new Keto magazine. Here is what they had to say.


Before we talk about your new magazine, can I ask what you both did for a living before you decided to become magazine publishers? JOSEPH- Sure thing! My wife and I are full-time freelancers and have the pleasure of working from the comfort of our home. My wife previously helped moms and women find legit work from home jobs and managed her own virtual assistant team where they provided one-stop shop administrative services to clients globally. We are simply a couple with a passion to spread hope through all we do (and a bit of laughter) while challenging folks to put their health as a first priority.

You are launching a new online Keto Magazine, can you tell me the name of the Magazine and how you came up with that name? LATOYA- The name of our upcoming digital magazine is called “KHD’s Digital Keto Magazine” (which means Keto Hope Dealers). We came up with this name after doing our own research and wanting to stand out from other health/wellness magazines. We wanted our magazine to give people hope that it’s never too late to make small changes which could result in permanent and major health improvements.

You went on the Keto diet and lost 156 lbs. which is incredible, how much did you both weigh before the diet? JOSEPH- Thanks so much! We appreciate that. Before starting keto, I weighed 357. I am now sitting around 293. My wife started keto weighing 253.6 and currently weighs 169.

Was the Keto diet the first diet you have ever been on? LATOYA- Oh heck no. My husband and I both tried different diets to include: WW, Green Smoothie cleanses, taking fat loss supplements and lost the weight. However, once we tried to maintain it, the weight piled right back on. It was both discouraging and disappointing but at the same time we were determined to try something that worked for us and more so a lifestyle change not just a “diet”.

Why do you think the Keto diet worked better for you than other diets on the market? LATOYA- The Ketogenic lifestyle has allowed us to continue enjoying the foods we love but using alternatives in place of the starch and sugar that are often times found in your food. My husband was diabetic and struggles with high blood pressure. We both knew he needed to make some changes and soon or he may not have another chance to turn things around. Doing keto helped teach us the right way to read labels and how being in ketosis (if done correctly) is more than just eating eggs, bacon and avocado. We have the flexibility to try new foods and experiment with new recipes to share with our readers.

So, what is the Keto diet? JOSEPH- Well, the ketogenic lifestyle is a high-fat, low-carb diet. This goes beyond just eating butter, eggs and bacon. Your macros typically would like: Fat 70%   Protein 25% and Net Carbs. 5%. These numbers could change depending on your weight loss goals. You are training your body to burn fat instead of carbs and energy. You want your body to use fat as its energy source.

When was the Keto Diet Created? LATOYA- The ketogenic lifestyle has been around since the 1920’s and 30’s when physicians treated their patients who were diagnosed with epilepsy. It was developed to also assist with intermittent fasting.

Is the Keto Diet safe? JOSEPH- In our opinion, yes, we believe the keto lifestyle is safe if done right. It has worked for us. Since we are not medical professionals, we cannot say it’s safe for everyone. We would recommend consulting with a medical professional before starting any new lifestyle change.

What foods can I eat on the Keto diet? LATOYA- The sky is the limit to what you can eat on the ketogenic lifestyle. For protein, we would suggest fish, chicken, beef and steak. For fats, we would suggest butter,

What is the difference between a low carb diet and a keto diet? JOSEPH- The difference between the low-carb and the keto diet is the carb and protein intake. Usually low-carb you might eat anywhere between 50 – 150 grams of daily carbs, while on keto, you would eat up to 50 grams of daily carbs. For your protein, on low-carb, you might eat more protein than you would on keto. Keto you typically eat a moderate level or protein while increasing your fat (essential fatty acids) intake.

keto diet interview

Who would benefit from following Keto? JOSEPH- If you have any of these healthy conditions, keto may be an option for you after consulting with your primary care physician. Epilepsy, Metabolic Syndrome, Autism, Parkinson’s Disease, Obesity, Glycogen Storage Disease, PCOS or Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, Migraine Headaches, Alzheimer’s Disease, Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease, Diabetes, Some Cancers, GLUT1 Deficiency Syndrome, Traumatic Brain Injury, and Multiple Sclerosis.

Who shouldn’t follow keto? JOSEPH- Those that have these following health concerns should be cautious before starting keto. Kidney damage, at risk heart disease, pregnant or nursing women, type-1 diabetes, pre-existing liver or pancreatic condition and anyone without a gallbladder. Many people with these symptoms do fairly well on keto and for others it seems to cause more problems than help. Always consult with your primary care physician and follow up with them regularly especially within the first few months. Treat this as if you were to start a new medicine check in every 2 weeks, then spread it out by 1 month, then 2, then 3. And check in every 6 months to make sure you are alright.

What are common misconceptions of the ketogenic diet? JOSEPH- While there are quite a few, we will cover three of them:

  1. Keto is the best way to lose weight. As great as that sounds, it is not for everyone. No matter what lifestyle(diet) you choose, it all relates to 1 variable, calorie deficit. Burn more calories than you are eating/drinking.
  2. It is not sustainable. Eating highly processed foods, poor nutrition, or low nutritional value. Processed foods are designed to taste fantastic, however, it is not sustainable either, but people still eat that unhealthy lifestyle. Your bloodwork never lies. If the results work for you, it works. If it does not work for you, find something that does, just put your health as a number 1 priority.
  3. You can eat all the bacon, butter and cheese you want. While you can enjoy a good helping of bacon, butter and cheese. You want to focus on EFAs or essential fatty acids versus saturated fats. Too much dairy can have an adverse reaction (allergies, bloating, weight gain) and then you’ll feel like keto does not work. No lifestyle(diet) will work if you are eating too much of a good/bad thing. Tracking and moderation is key to having a successful keto journey.

What problems did you come across when you were on the Keto diet? LATOYA- The problems that we face had nothing to do with the food that we ate but more so dealing with the lack of knowledge we had about the ketogenic lifestyle. We had no idea what we were doing. We followed lots of big keto influencers but soon found ourselves overwhelmed with all of this information! In December 2019, we joined a 30-day keto challenge and learned so much about how to do keto the right way. In the beginning, we were just eating anything that had the words “keto-friendly” on it.

Some people believe the Keto diet is just a fad, what would you say to that? LATOYA- We get it. We understand and that’s all we can say. We realized that it’s not really worth trying to explain why the ketogenic lifestyle really does work if you do the work and stick to it. With any diet, you have to do your part. If you do not, then of course it won’t work. Thus, making it look as if it’s a “fad diet”. Do your research. Talk to your doctor to make sure the keto diet will work for your body and health.

A lot of people who are overweight believe they cannot become slimmer, what would you say to those people? LATOYA – Oh, we have all been there before. I have dealt with health issues since I was a teenager and started losing hope because the weight kept fluctuating and the numbers on the scale seemed to never change or go down. We chose to share our weight loss journey with our audience in hopes that they would stay focused and see that they aren’t the only ones wanting to make a change and get healthier. Do not give up. Look for a great mentor that can guide you through the ketogenic lifestyle and who will hold you accountable when things get tough. You got this.

What made you go on a diet? LATOYA- Well, we do not look at it as being on a diet. We chose to consider it a lifestyle change. If you start any lifestyle change with that mindset then it will always just be a diet and not an important decision to take your health back.

So, were you worried about your life being shortened by being overweight? LATOYA- Yes, for sure! We knew that if we did not make a major shift with our eating habits and be the example for our children, we would not be here much longer. My husband’s struggle with diabetes and high blood pressure has been a huge eye opener for me. I do not want to see him in the hospital with tubes hooked up to him because he was not serious about his health. We control what we eat and what goes in our bodies. We want to live healthy and long lives but we had to first do our part and do the work.

How did your lifestyle change when you lost weight with Keto? JOSEPH- It opened up so many doors for us that we would have never imagined we would have access to. Not only are we down 159 ISH lbs., but we feel the best we have felt in a very long time. We do not crave a lot of sugar anymore and our bodies have become fat adapted which simply means that your body has gotten use to your new lifestyle change and will take a bit longer to knock you out of ketosis.

What would you tell someone who is thinking about losing weight with keto? BOTH- Take it slow. Do not try to do everything all at once. We would recommend speaking with a medical professional before starting any lifestyle change to see if it’s the best fit for you and your body. If all is well, then we would recommend connecting with a keto coach or keto mentor who can help guide you on how to get started, what foods to eat and the proper way to be successful on the ketogenic lifestyle.

So, lets imagine I am 22 stone, and I want to lose weight, what instructions would you give me for the next 30 days? BOTH- We would say the same thing here as well. Take it slow. Consult with a medical professional to see if it’s the right fit for you and your body. Avoid using search engines at first since it will most certainly overwhelm you. Try to find a credible keto coach who can help guide you in the right direction while helping you reach your weight loss goals.

So, would people with diabetes benefit from the Keto diet? BOTH- Since we are not medical professionals, we can only share our personal experience as proof that it does work for people who struggle with diabetes. I was diabetic myself. I had to take insulin every night. I absolutely hated it! It was painful and something I knew I had to get under control before more damage was done to my body. If you are diabetic, please speak with your doctor to see if the ketogenic lifestyle would be a great option for you to try as it helps lowers your insulin levels (if done right).

keto diet results

Once you are on the Keto diet is that the diet you have to follow for the rest of your life or can you come off it once you have lost your desired weight? JOSEPH- Not at all! Folks like ourselves enjoy keto. Will we do keto for the rest of our lives. We are not sure just yet. We are taking it one day at a time. Once we reach our ideal weight, then we may switch over to low carb but that’s all-in due time. We are just enjoying each other as we lose weight together and set a good example to our 5 kiddos. Do what works for you.

What surprised you most about the Keto diet? LATOYA- That it really isn’t as hard as folks said it was. If you do your research, you can see that knowing how to read nutrition labels is extremely important. I think what surprises us the most was how much information was out there. How much we still did not know. That’s why it’s so important to connect with a credible keto coach who can help guide you in the right direction so you are not feeling overwhelmed.

What vegetables would you recommend eating on the keto diet? JOSEPH- We would recommend you consume any leafy greens, cabbage, onions, zuchinni, (limit this as it can cause gassiness and has is a bit more carbs than other vegetables.)

Are there any vegetables you should avoid completely? LATOYA- Sweet Potatoes, Corn, Carrots, Peas, and anything that has a lot of sugar in that which could possibly spike your insulin levels. We also have a free food list that you can download for free on our website simply by joining our mailing list. Go check it out.

Would you recommend taking supplements on the Keto diet? JOSEPH- Yes! We would recommend taking an adult multivitamin so you are making sure that you are not deficient in minerals and electrolytes. We would also recommend taking Potassium, Calcium and Magnesium separately since not all multivitamins have enough to cover your daily intake.

Is the ketogenic diet really healthy in the long term? LATOYA- It really depends. We would recommend consulting with a medical professional and discussing your weight loss goals to see if doing keto long-term is the best option for you.

What recipes would you recommend to someone just starting the ketogenic diet? BOTH- We would recommend keeping it simple. Start out with recipes that have only 3-4 ingredients. If you are not a cook like myself then you purchase a crockpot and put together several meals and have it cook during the day. We tell people to not overthink it. Do what works for you. If you prefer more advanced recipes then we recommend using Pinterest to find delicious recipes that even your entire family can enjoy.

There are a lot of diet bloggers out there and there are a lot of online diet magazines, so what makes your magazine different? JOSEPH- Honestly, my wife and I do not view anyone who is on a journey to being healthy competition. We are not in this for a race or who will lose the most. We are just trying to spread hope and share our weight loss journey in hopes to encourage others to put their health as a first priority in their lives. Our magazine focuses on giving hope and sharing keto success stories from folks who have tried, lost weight and are going strong with taking their health back. We are real people, a real couple who were once severely obese and are working hard to reach our weight loss goals. By sharing our journey, we are hopeful that our readers will be able to relate with our story and be challenged to make the small steps to use long-term results. There won’t be a bunch of cluttered articles and content in our magazine. We want to make this simple, to the point and as clear as possible. We were tired of buying magazines with nothing but pictures and irrelevant articles that really did not help us much. We wanted something that was not only positive and informative but also relevant, valuable and something that our readers can use as a guide to help hold them accountable.

What advice will you be offering in your magazine? JOSEPH- My wife and I along with our awesome magazine launch team will be offering valuable keto tips, relevant articles that will go into how the ketogenic lifestyle works, how to do keto the right way, the benefits of adding intermittent fasting into your lifestyle and much more.

One question I would like to ask, and be honest here. Did going on a diet cause arguments between you both. Did you find yourself becoming hungrier and angrier? LATOYA- It was not really arguments per say. It was more so us having to get on the same page with where we were health wise. Our bodies are not the same. Our hormones do not work in the same capacity. My husband struggled with diabetes and high blood pressure and I struggled with anxiety, depression, hypothyroidism, anemia and asthma. Something had to change. We both knew we were unhealthy. We both knew that we needed to lose weight. It was just us needing to align our values and goals together so we knew how to encourage one another to keep pushing forward. A healthy lifestyle doesn’t have to be all about competition. We support each other. We even joke when one of us loses a few pounds than the other and we do it in love.

What is your opinion of the gastric band and surgery to lose weight? BOTH- We have heard about the gastric band and surgery and even entertained the thought of possibly giving it a try. However, my wife previously had a traumatic experience and health scare back in 2009 after getting her gallbladder removed that caused the fear of being cut open again. We chose to try the ketogenic lifestyle after all the other diets we tried failed and it’s truly been a blessing to us. We believe that having gastric band surgery may be the best option for some folks and we understand and support whoever chooses to do so. You have to do what works for you. If having the surgery will help jumpstart your weight loss goals then by all means go right ahead. You got this.

Are you going to be asking readers to share their stories in your magazine? LATOYA- Yes, of course we are! We want our magazine to stand out and give folks hope. We will be asking our readers to submit their keto success stories and will be choosing a few to feature in our next issues. This isn’t all about my wife and I. This is a movement and we want to help spread the word about how the ketogenic lifestyle has changed not only our lives but the lives of folks across the world who are on this journey alongside us.

What type of articles can we expect in your Keto magazine? JOSEPH- The Benefits of Intermittent Fasting

How to start the ketogenic lifestyle

What foods should you avoid on the ketogenic lifestyle

The struggles of autoimmune disorders and how the ketogenic lifestyle has helped improve or reverse certain health disorders.

So, when will the magazine go live and how can people read it? BOTH- Our Digital Keto Magazine will be available online on our website www.ketohopedealers.com  on January 7th 2021. You can preorder the magazine up until December 23rd. The folks who preorder will get access to their advance copy 7 days before it launches to the public.

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