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Sunday, March 9, 2025

Get started on that lockdown sort-out with tips on decluttering with Marla Stone

Remember when Boris Johnson first announced the country was going into lockdown, it was a shock to the system. I have never seen so many people queue up outside supermarkets buying toilet paper and visiting DIY shops. Then we had the second lockdown, barely enough time to get over the first one and the time to declutter the home.

For many of us, we promised ourselves to declutter the home during the first lockdown, and the second lockdown, so how is that going. If like me, your home has accumulated so much stuff thanks to Amazon and working from home. Well now, it is time to sort it out.

Instead of the bedroom drawers being crammed with stuff, and kitchen cupboard bursting and not to mention the living room being turned upside down, we can now start to get our home back to normal thanks to Marla Stone and her book The Clutter Remedy: A Guide To Getting Organized For Those Who Love Their Stuff

maria stoneMaria Stone said decluttering the home and can-do wonders for your wellbeing. She says it is a great way to get over lockdown and to keep positive.

The decluttering expert who has worked with well-known people to help them declutter their home said that decluttering is not just about making the home tidy. She explained that as well as having a tidy home it can also help keep a tidy mind. And, if that is not a good reason to buy her book and declutter your home, then how about making some money.

Decluttering the home is a great way to find things that you no longer need or want, and instead of throwing them away you can make money from them.

We wanted to learn more about decluttering the home after lockdown and sat down with Maria Stone to learn more.


  1. Why did you decide to write a book about decluttering? I wanted to put all my thoughts down that we’re coming to me. I realized that my clients were having a difficult time remaining organized after their Decluttering project. I wanted to give them all my knowledge so they will remain organized independent of my services. I wanted my customers and the world to know that staying organized long-term is possible.
  2. When writing your book, did you uncover the links between mental health and clutter? Yes, I realized that if there is emotional clutter negativity and chaos will manifest in your outer environment. People who suffer from add, ADHD, depression and any significant mental health challenge will benefit from the book. I give examples by telling stories about people with mental health challenges to help people remove their emotional blocks.
  3. So, can a person destress while decluttering? The Decluttering process relieves years of built up stress, as long as you also address the inner chaos.
  4. Do you believe that a tidy home results in less stress in a person’s life? The outer is a reflection of the inner. When your home is neat, and everything has a home life is much more pleasurable.
  5. What is your favorite room to tidy? My most favorite room to declutter and categorize is a home office. I love to help people with a clear and concise criteria for choosing the items in their office based on what will help them become more focused and productive.
  6. For someone moving home, what should they do with their unwanted books? The local libraries love any books you want to donate to them.
  7. Is it possible to sell the stuff that you don’t want? Selling your unwanted items is easy. Use online neighborhood groups, or sell through garage sales, and with consignment shops.
  8. Can you tell me five ways a person can make money decluttering their home? Well-advertised Estate sakes are great for pricey stuff, bartering has become popular, auctions for very expensive items, garage sales for home goods and clothing, and consignment stores for furniture works well.
  9. What age should parents teach their children the importance of decluttering their rooms? As soon as children can walk, they can be taught to put away toys and books. At 4-5 years old children can learn to donate items they no longer want to play with. Also, they will then be able to categorize their toys as well.declutter during lockdown
  10. Plastic bags have become a huge problem, what can we do with plastic bags instead of throwing them out? Use them for trash cans around the house. Also, simply recycle plastic bags. Don’t use bags to store items because you end up forgetting what’s in them.
  11. When going through the wardrobes during your decluttering campaign, how can you decide what items to keep and which items to get rid of? Use my clear and concise criteria that I describe in my book The Clutter Remedy: A Guide To Getting Organized For Those Who Love Their Stuff. Ask yourself: Will I use it? Does it serve a purpose? Is it sentimental? Do I love it? Making good decisions about what to keep versus what to toss is the key to responsible Decluttering.

Check out her new book The Clutter Remedy: A Guide To Getting Organized For Those Who Love Their Stuff:


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