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Monday, March 10, 2025

Marla Stone Offers 10 Top Tips For Decluttering Your Home During Lockdown

REMEMBER when lockdown first hit and you had all those plans what you were going to do while staying at home, How’s that going?

With the COVID19 pandemic more of us are finding we have more times on our hands thanks to the imposed and self-imposed lockdown. So, we thought it would be a good idea to talk to a leading lifestyle and decluttering expert to receive tips for decluttering the home during lockdown.

Marla Stone, the founder I-Deal Lifestyle knows all about clutter. As well as writing a book about Decluttering (The Clutter Remedy: A Guide to Getting Organized for Those Who Love Their Stuff) which is available on Amazon, she has also helped more than 4000 people to get organized. Due to her experience, she has been featured in media all over the world, so it made sense to speak to Marla Stone to receive tips on how to declutter the home during lockdown.

For many of us, we have homes with lots of stuff that we do not use or do not want but we still keep them. So, lets use our spare time in lockdown and declutter the home with the help of Marla Stone.


Lockdown can have an emotional impact on you and your loved ones. The top 10-tips for Decluttering are:

  1. Take care of your inner, negative, emotional feelings that are coming up inside. Being cooped up and cheerful is difficult enough physically, but when your emotional body is out of whack, motivation for change can dwindle.
  2. Work through, healing inner past and current irritations and wounds, that may surface. Acknowledge things that have bothered you, talk to that hurt part of you. Tell your wounded self “It wasn’t your fault, it was wrong and it’s not happening anymore.” Validating a younger wounded part of you is the way to clear up emotional clutter.
  3. This is a great time to contemplate all the dreams and goals that you’ve forgotten about or swept by the wayside. Make a list of dream goals you’ve always wanted to accomplish and write 3 specific ways to achieve the goals.
  4. Go around your entire home taking before photos of every room. Include the Inside of every drawer, closet and cabinet. Take note of overstuffed space versus empty space.
  5. Start using The Clutter Remedy Strategies for Decluttering in the largest room or garage first. Clear the space while everything you own. https://books.google.com/books?id=v6m6DwAAQBAJ&pg=PP6&source=kp_read_button
  6. Use The Clutter Remedy Clear and Concise Criteria. Ask yourself these four criteria questions to declutter your stuff: Will I use it? Does it serve a purpose? Is it sentimental? Do I love it?
  7. After identifying what you will keep, fine-tune each broad category. For instance in a garage, broad categories can be sports, tools, holiday, extra bedding, pool stuff, and kids toys. Make sure each category is contained in clear bins with lids. Bicycles can be hung and large toy set into shelving. Nothing goes directly on shelves or on the floor.
  8. Next, plan your space well. Find shelving, cabinets, armoires and any storage options to put away your binned categories.
  9. Take after pictures of all the areas you have remedied.
  10. Now kick up your feet and relax before you get to the next area of your home.
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