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Friday, March 7, 2025

Russell Brand Quizzed By Police

Police Spoke To Russell Brand In 2014

With all the allegations against Russell Brand, some people are wondering why the police have not brought him in for questions. However, according to reports the police spoken to Russell Brand in 2014.


In 2014, comedian and actor Russell Brand faced a police investigation after allegations of sexual assault and mistreatment by a masseuse. The incident took place at a £5 million mansion during a birthday massage session. This article will delve into the details of the investigation, Brand’s response, and the outcome of the case.

According to reports, a female masseuse accused Russell Brand of sexually assaulting her during a massage session. She claimed that she was “touched in a sexual way” and treated “like a prostitute” during the encounter. The alleged incident occurred in 2014 and was brought to the attention of Thames Valley Police by the masseuse, who filed a formal complaint.

The investigation began in June 2014 when Brand was interviewed by the police regarding the allegations. This marked the first known instance of Brand being questioned by law enforcement in connection to claims of sexual misconduct. The police conducted a thorough investigation, obtaining a comprehensive account of the allegations from the alleged victim.

In response to the allegations, Russell Brand released a statement denying any wrongdoing. He described the accusations as “serious” and refuted them vehemently. Brand claimed that all his relationships during the period in question were consensual, emphasizing his transparency about his promiscuity in his books and public statements.

After a comprehensive investigation, the case against Russell Brand was eventually dropped. The masseuse was informed that the investigation had been closed. The decision to close the case suggests that there was insufficient evidence to proceed with charges against Brand. However, it is important to note that the outcome does not necessarily prove Brand’s innocence or guilt.

In recent years, allegations against Russell Brand resurfaced in a Channel 4 documentary called “Dispatches.” The documentary, produced in collaboration with The Times and Sunday Times, explored a number of allegations against the star, including claims of rape, sexual assault, and emotional abuse by multiple women spanning from 2006 to 2013.

Prior to the broadcast of the documentary, Brand released a video on YouTube addressing the allegations. He described them as “astonishing” and “baroque,” and again denied any wrongdoing. Brand expressed his belief that there might be another agenda at play, questioning the motives behind the allegations.

Following the airing of the Dispatches documentary, additional women came forward with allegations of assault or inappropriate behaviour by Russell Brand. These women claimed that they had experienced various forms of misconduct during their interactions with the comedian. Brand, once again, vehemently denied all allegations, asserting that all his relationships were consensual.

It is important to note that these additional allegations have not undergone the same level of investigation as the 2014 case. However, they have brought renewed attention to the issue of sexual misconduct in the entertainment industry and sparked discussions about the responsibility of celebrities.

The alleged victim’s account to the police revealed that she was hired to provide a massage at a mansion in Oxfordshire on June 7, 2014. Upon arrival, she was directed to an en suite bathroom where a massage table had been prepared. The sequence of events that followed remains disputed by both parties involved.

According to the masseuse, she experienced unwanted sexual advances from Russell Brand during the massage and felt compelled to leave the premises after protesting. She described her feelings during the ordeal as scared, shocked, and traumatized, claiming that it lasted for approximately 40 minutes. Despite not completing the massage, she was still paid the agreed-upon fee of £500.

In contrast, Russell Brand explained during his police interview that he felt uneasy when the masseuse arrived and subsequently decided to cancel the massage. He claimed to have had her escorted out of the property. Brand characterized the interaction as friendly but awkward. CCTV footage from the mansion was reviewed by the police, which Brand argued supported his version of events.

The police investigation into the allegations against Russell Brand highlights the importance of taking all claims of sexual assault and misconduct seriously. It is crucial to thoroughly investigate such allegations to ensure justice for both the alleged victims and the accused. The outcome of this investigation underscores the challenges of proving or disproving claims of sexual misconduct, often relying on the credibility and consistency of the testimonies provided.



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