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Saturday, March 8, 2025

Is Rishi Sunak Misleading Lincolnshire Voters With Fit For Work Stats

Rishi Sunak Has Been Accused Of Misleading Voters With Fit For Work Stats, Just Days After His Labour Tax Row ‘Lies’

The Prime Minister has been accused with misleading the voter yet again over false information. This time it is not Labour intentions on tax, it is the figures surrounding the number of disabled people found to be fit for work.


During the ITV Debate, Rishi Sunak was accused of providing false information on Labour intentions to increase tax on the working class. According to Rishi Sunak, Labour was going to increase tax by £2,000. If true, that could have resulted in Labour losing the next General Election.

Although Labour have denied the claims, Labour Voters and those considering voting for Labour have become scared. Some experts have said the claims made by Rishi Sunak were not only a sign of desperation but could have lost Keir Starmer millions of votes.

Now, Rishi Sunak faces scrutiny over his statements regarding disability statistics.

So, what has Rishi Sunak been accused of.

Rishi Sunak has been accused of misleading Lincolnshire voters and UK voters of the number of disabled people deemed unfit for work. Initially during his speech at the Conservative party conference and repeated in subsequent appearances, he claims there has been a dramatic increase in the percentage of disability benefit claimants found unfit for work.

Critics have come out fighting and have argued that these figures are misleading, not accounting for the significant reforms and growing recognition of the flaws in the assessment processes over the years.


Expected OSR Statement on Sunak’s Claims

Rishi Sunak has already had a slap on the wrist over his claims that Labour will be adding £2,000 to tax bills and now the Office for Statistics Regulation (OSR) could once again give him a telling off over misleading voters on Disabled people claiming benefits.

The OSR has announced that it will soon deliver a comprehensive response to several complaints, including allegations of misleading statistics used by Sunak about disability benefits.

This upcoming statement is highly anticipated as it will clarify the OSR’s position on the accuracy of the data cited by the Prime Minister and whether these data portray an accurate picture of the current state of disability assessments.


Read:Parents Want Lincolnshire MPs To Resign


Rishi Sunak Upsetting Lincolnshire Voters

Rishi Sunak attack on disabled people and people on long term sick is doing serious damage to his chances of having his Lincolnshire MPs re-elected.

In 2021, it was reported that in North East Lincolnshire which covers Grimsby and Cleethorpes, 11.1% of people were identified as being disabled.

In North Lincolnshire which covers Scunthorpe and Brigg, 10.8% of people were found to be classed as disabled.

According to a report, a fifth of people living in Lincolnshire in areas such as Lincoln, Skegness, Boston, and Spalding are classed as disabled.

In a recent article by Lincolnshire News Today, we found that a huge portion of disabled people in the area refuse to vote Conservatives at the forthcoming General Election.

But this is not the only issue that has upset those living in Lincolnshire. Parents in Lincolnshire were shocked when all of the Lincolnshire Tory MPs refused to back a ban on the sale of Knives. Even after hearing from a mother who had lost her son to knife crime, the MPs in Lincolnshire still refused to back the ban. This resulted in many angry Lincolnshire parents calling for Tory MPs to resign.


Not The First Time Rishi Sunak Has Been Accused Of Misleading People

The Prime Minister has come under scrutiny for his repeated use of statistics concerning disability benefits, particularly those related to the Work Capability Assessment (WCA). In Rishi Sunak speech at the Conservative party conference in October, it is claimed that he made up figures of the number of people claiming disability benefits.

Rishi Sunak has been called desperate for misleading people in order to win the next General Election. His attack on long-term sick and those who are disabled has been called shocking. Hundreds of people have turned to the Scope Forum fearing for their future.

People are confused why Rishi Sunak is targeting disabled people when more money is spent on migrants and his failed plan to stop migrants crossing the channel.

With Rishi Sunak continued failings while being Prime Minister and his lack of integrity, political experts have predicted that the Tory party will be wiped at the next General Election. That could result Lincolnshire having more Labour MPs than Tory MPs.


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