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Saturday, March 8, 2025

NHS Nurses Are Struggling To Afford A Family Holiday Abroad

NHS Nurses have been plunged into financial crises due to low wages which has seen tens of thousands of them turn to food banks, payday loan companies, and family members for help. The situation has become so bad many nurses working for the NHS have reported they are facing bankruptcy, while others have stated they have not had a family holiday for more than two years.

At a time when more nurses are leaving the profession than joining, Lincolnshire News Today decided to speak to one hundred dedicated nurses and see how bad the situation is. More than half the nurses we spoke to said they had not had a family holiday in more than two years. They explained it was affecting family life with their children suffering the most due to their chosen profession and the disregard Theresa May and the Conservative Government have for the NHS.


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One nurse who works for the NHS in Lincolnshire said: “My daughter gets embarrassed when friends ask her where she is going on holiday.”

“I have taken on a part time job just to try and save enough money to try and afford a short break in the UK. It’s really affecting my family as I am always tired and have no time to spend with my children,” said a nurse from Doncaster


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While MPs enjoy the luxury of a second home, and a yearly pay rise, nurses struggle with trying to survive. The pay of nurses has become so bad; some nurses are now leaving the profession for other jobs, while others are moving abroad.


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Unless the new Government when Rishi Sunak calls a General Election improves nurses pay, then the NHS could see a mass shortage of nurses.


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